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First Pessac and it seems that some other cities (called me may be you have suffered the same torture?) Are the places of dysfunction Chronic Box. Let me explain: last month my livebox is the Christmas tree (it was due to a difficult relationship with a garland and did not call and flashes in all directions) and call me from having a internet access. I had an old box so I went to change it in the store once but same scenario with another. I still change it and at that time standing in line, I learned that I was not the only victim. And the seller told me "oh yeah apparently there is a problem with EDF when it's cold it grows (the I do not know what) the voltage (? May be) and there is surge of the box ... It's to say? I have to wait until spring to find a connection? And wait till then to be able to find Daria?! Not possible.
short on this re-give me a box but same result. Grr ... (I'm going MABOULONNETTE)
Weheartit |
Here I wanted to talk about bed bugs. And even more especially the sexuality of it. My friend Gaelle (a real chatterbox, could described his syndrome diarrhea word) told me about the sexuality of bugs she had read in " encyclopedia of knowledge relative and absolute " by Bernard Werber. I found it myself Millionaire, not necessarily the opinion of everyone surely. Here are some excerpts about this.
- Bed bugs have difficulty distinguishing their own and, among these congeners, they still face more difficulties to recognize males from females. 50% of their reports are homosexual, 20% occur with foreign animals, 30% finally are done with females.
- dint of being punch anyone where by unscrupulous males, females are found bugs scarred brown drawing slots identified a clear zone-like targets! Nature has encouraged these roguery by generating strange adaptations: bedbugs girls began to be born wealthy brown spots haloed light on their backs. Each spot is a receptacle, "sex branch" directly connected to the main sex.
- Some species of tropical bugs, the antochorides scolopelliens are provided. So when a male sees a female at a few inches from him, it aims to his penis-vagina targets in the back of the girl. The jet cuts through the air, and the power of these shots is such that the sperm manages to penetrate the thinner armor there.
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