- Release Date: December 25, 2005
- Time: 2:35 p.m.
- Size: 365Mo
community Blow leads his crusade against evil like many others on the lands of Azeroth and Kalimdor, Onyxia, Ragnaros are creatures that they must kill.
Tokageroh Led by their leader, the Blow begin to clean the Black Wing Lair. It is inside of it they discover a terrible evil, more powerful than the plague, which spread far too quickly decimating everything in its path.
Tokageroh who felt that the Alliance was behind all this destruction, decides to send his bravest warriors in Orgrimmar warn people so that it is preparing.
Unfortunately, Nodoka succumbs to few meters from the entrance to the capital of the Horde.
Then the enemy invasion, led by the specter of Ragnaros, goes on Orgrimmar. The population was decimated, Thrall can not do anything. Like a poison cloud, this plague decimating the city.
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