Aaaaah now I am dealing with one of my discs bedside. I have a small personal problem of chronology, I remember when I discovered all this before or after the tape of Cut "A 3 Special Household " I was not great at the top of the news at that time. I remember buying the maxi of "The Magic Of Drawers " to a record store that had a shop at a market in Britain. At St Malo or Dinard. I had a pot somewhere, I feel that there has not had tons of extended. Anyway, I've never fallen over in the tanks with OCCAZ.
Was not much above, only 3 tracks but not the worst.

2BAL 2NE g ' "The Magic Of Drawer" (1996)It looks a bit outdated now but back then the theme of "The Magic Of Drawers " was pretty original. So far, the discs that came out were those of artists signed to record label and there were guys that screaming " fuck you, we do our biz without you because you do not want us . Enough guts and the image was used well found. They have crapped out on their record if I remember the time interviews are good (I always have the Radikal in my basement, I'll have to research): no money to buy the studio, it was the D to find bands. I seem to remember also that the disc took a year and a half to go out and the twins of 2BAL had only 16 at the time of registration. Impressive when you listen to their benefits.
Twilight / Ech ec And Mat
1. 2BAL 2Neg ' - The Magic Of Drawers (Radio Version)
2. 2BAL 2Neg ' - Labyrinth (Album Version) ( feat. Vestat, Rocca, Vensty, Mr. R & NOB)
3. 2BAL - Where Is My Gang? (Bonus Track)
" Labyrinth" was exactly the kind of titles that i like: full of guests and a competition to that which comes most into the jaws of another. And finally "Where Is My Gang? "A piece of 2BAL Niggets (twins Doc TMC and G. Kill and the creator of the Household, Krokmitten) which imposes very bleak identity of MA3. Lacking the madness of Krok '...

So this album, well it is good. Really good. And not only because nostalgia plays. Already it was still well produced (ah this small sample of "Melody Nelson " for "The Magic Of Drawer") and this side, although it is aging altogether. The album is quite varied, the jazz samples, tips, more dark, festive stuff, something for all tastes while maintaining a true identity.2BAL 2Neg ' " 3x More Efficient " (1996)
Twilight / Echec & Mat
Intro 2. 2BAL 2Neg ' - The Magic Of Drawers
3. 2Neg ' - Take My Concept
4. 2BAL - Gued 1 (Crazy Remix) ( feat. Kid Mesa & Rick Sweet )
5. 2BAL - What to do?
6. 2BAL 2Neg ' - The Street Is Like ...
7. 2BAL 2Neg ' - Labyrinth ( feat. Venstat, Rocca, Vensty, Mr. R & NOB)
8. 2Neg ' - What to Injustice ( feat. Emi & Gravity)
9. 2BAL - Poets Of The Dead ( feat. Mr. R)
10. 2BAL - Where Is My Gang?
11. 2Neg ' - Black Is Black ( feat. Lyon S)
12. 2 Neg ' - my world view
13. 2BAL 2Neg ' - Interlude
14. 2BAL - Like A Dog ( feat. Emi)
15. 2Neg ' - Old School Shit
16. 2BAL - Crazy
17. 2Neg ' - Lascars
18. 2Neg ' - Is It That Gun?
19. 2BAL 2Neg ' - Raise Your Hand (Mission Suicide)
20. 2BAL 2Neg ' - To Be Continued ...
then rapped because it damn well, especially 2BAL elsewhere. The twins have an incredible presence, technically it's super hard (16 years old shit). They play with their voices (TMC sings not bad ... he had a solo song on a compilation of great Tonton David), swing tips and then many assholes time, are able to more personal stuff with modesty ( " What to do? " which had been clipped).

And then there Krokmitten. Completely into the world the founding of the household at 3. The guy is super quiet, we never saw his head (although he enjoyed himself with masks) and we knew very little about him. I read in "France Ta Rap" that originally he officiated under the pseudonym Harry X its debut on the side from Villeneuve St. Georges where the Solaar crossed from time to time. Even in 2BAL, we hear little but shit, I'm a fan. His verse on hallucinated " Poets Of Death" is one of my favorite verses of all time. Since then he has made videos completely amazing and absolutely drives in the matrix (there is one in which he recounts the history of video games by linking the names, perched well). As for
2Neg 'is clearly Niro who held the shack. It is speed rather technical although today his flow is pretty dated. It was not badly written, in any case often better than his friend Eben, who was a little too strong and serious. Niro liked for his humor and his side "have a blast on the beat." Kicklow, I never got it too well what he did not care in the group. I had a period where I was at the bottom of 2Neg appearances' on the album, the next "conscious" all that and then finally no, I'm still an asshole when I visit my Niggets.
Before I forget ... The interludes of the album are cool. One in track 13, this small delicate piano loop that will dress up in a scene from " Ma 6-T Va Crack-er " I think especially the "Old School Shit " which parodies freestyle sessions Radio Nova in the former. The facilitator who speaks by gender "I rap," the guys who rap for two weeks and bored silly ("MC NEW! FORCE AND MC POPOPOPO! ). Go, I rest my little fried-sausages ... Ok it's on ...

Then Doc TMC has made big shit and took 15 years firm. Shortly afterwards, De Niro has left maximum 2BAL 2Neg stamped "Du 77 In 94 The Burden " something mediocre, oddly cobbled together. One new song, the other side was a piece de Niro. It was understood, not break you, it's well and truly over and you will not have the opportunity to drive too large.
And for the road, some shares in the radio blog: "The Magic Of Drawer", " Labyrinth" with Venstat, Rocca, Vensty, Mr. R & Nob for pieces of the two groups together, " my world view" of 2Neg 'and two pieces of 2BAL " What to do? " Dorea with the chorus and of course " Poets Of Death" feat. Mr. R again (Krokmitten rulez).
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